Sunday, June 24, 2012

Eat pray love (and eat some more)

I am a huge foodie as has become evident from my trips built around endless lunch and dinner reservations. I live, love and travel for food. Every single new destination has taught me something new about food and exposed me to new ideas, ingredients and inspiration. The meals I've had live in my memories forever. It therefore saddens me that food has for so many become the "necessary evil"; reduced to a certain ratio of protein and carbs. 

I know that in the past I've not been immune to that either. In my debilitating fear of all things carbohydrate I used to steam carrot strips and pretend it was pasta (to be consumed with fat-free tuna sauce I pretended was every bit as good as carbonara sauce. As if!). I have a friend who used to whip egg whites and pretend it was whipped cream. She too eventually fell off the wagon (and gained 20 kilos).

One of the things I loved about being with The Man was our mutual love of food. I learned to appreciate all the fabulous ingredients that especially Spain had to provide and I finally had a grateful audience that appreciated the hours and hours of effort and love that went into every meal.(too bad he didn't appreciate the havoc it was wreaking on my waistline...)

I've grown. Not just around my waist, but as a human. I've come to realize that life is just too short for faking it; be it "I can't believe it's not butter" (trust me, we can. ) or orgasms. I'm  just not willing to settle for anything other than the real deal anymore.

And something tells me what ever it is that me and The Man have just might be that. I can't explain it, but there's this serene certainty inside me reassuring that I can wait. Wait for him to be ready; wait for him to be that certain too. 

We talked yesterday (no, I didn't! He called me!) and the only word I can think of to describe the way we still, after everything that has happened, make each other laugh is... well, laughable. It was just... so much fun!!! And as upsetting as I've found all these interventions, maybe that's just the way it goes. It doesn't take a village just to raise a child- it also seems to take a village for the two village idiots to get their acts together.

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