It seems that I have a new pen pal. The Man's Mum. I'd like to think that she's the less terrifying option to a say, a serial killer jailed for life. But I'll be honest, I'm not entirely sure.
There was another letter from her. This time she says she completely understands my concerns and would probably do the same thing were she me.
My sister seems to continue her e-mail correspondence with The Man too. As much I appreciate these people's concern, it frustrates the hell out of me. Can a 52-year-old man not get his shit together on his own? The man can run multi-million dollar accounts, have hundreds of people reporting to him but doesn't know how to conduct a one-on-one relationship???
While I just had another "thank you for your interest but we found your application lacklustre and CV lacking in skills vital for successful performance in this task"- letter, The Man is currently facing his second interview that would, should it materialize in a job offer, take him back to the Nordics. How ironic. So, once again we could not talk about the future of our relationship and he could not ask me to join him there...
Apparently his work situation is a lot more serious that he previously let me in on. Tens of thousands of people will be let go from the company this year, several thousand of them here in Europe. So, it's no longer just a case of closing this deal they've been trying to close for 2 years now- he might soon have no job at all.
I can't even imagine what that would do to him. I've forced myself to come in terms with the fact that with everything going on in his life workwise he simply isn't capable to focusing on anything else. And I've decided to understand and put up with that (Seriously, Nobel Peace Prize committee, are you listening to this? Don't forget me come November!!) even if it means that currently the contact is reduced to sporadic calls. But if he lost his job at this point, when he's already planning his retirement... that would be the end of him. And as such... the end of us.