Monday, October 15, 2012

No woman, no cry

It's so unfair. Dogs are being put down because of hip problems, but people with major character flaws are free to roam the streets and procreate. And in some cases, run the country.

Has anyone ever heard anything good about Saudi Arabia? They want to ban women from competing in Olympics- the celebration of freedom and equality. Their solution to women wanting to work is building separate cities where to banish the women. They refuse to publish pictures of women in their Ikea catalogue. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but surely a family where a trendy, Swedish-looking man, left alone to look after the (donor-inseminated? Surrogate-born?) kids is more conspicuous than a family with a Mum in it? 

Now Saudi academics (with impeccable credentials, I'm sure...) have published a report according to which allowing women to drive would mean increase in pornography, homosexuality and ultimately lead to extinction of virgins. Having trained academically myself I'm curious as to where they base these hypotheses on? Where exactly did they conduct the research that would allow them to go public with findings as absurd like that?

SERIOUSLY. What is wrong with these people? Why do they hate women so much? 

Here's a novel idea: if the sight of women working, walking freely, driving- well, basically the sight of women altogether, even when wrapped in enough fabric to cover Kirstie Alley (before the the weight loss), is too much for these men... How about we take about 2 inch-strip of that same fabric and cover their eyes instead? Saves a lot of fabric (leaving more for Kirsty after she ends up putting it all on again) and hassle!

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