Well, turned out my resolve is very much like Nicholas Sarkozy. Occasionally convincing, but always short. I know I made all these bold statements how I don't have enough maturity and wisdom for the both of us... but that was before The Bucket List.
It's a film I watched the other night. It's essentially about two old men who befriend each other at cancer ward, their diagnosis having reminded them of life's fragility. Staring death in the face they decide to finally fulfill their dreams; do all those things they always wanted to. The fact that one of them is a multi-millioner does help. Especially with minor details such as chartering a private jet from Paris to Tanzania. On a whim.
We all remember my bucket list. Short, but to the point. And one of the two things still missing is a husband.
I cried my eyes out- not that I need an excuse for that these days. Wailing seems to be the staple around which the rest of the daily activities are planned. And then it hit me: this is the sort of film The Man should see. These are the lessons he should learn, preferably before he has his first heart-attack which in all likelihood will finally force him to re-evaluate his life (I am the Queen of positive thinking...)
Mind you- I've already forked out a significant lump of money to have somebody push him out of a plane. And often I was grateful that the parachute did open.
And I have surprised him with once-in-a-lifetime chance to see The Who.
In the aftermath of my friend's death, I've been more concerned about the shelf life of our existence than he has. And he is the one 20 years closer the expiration date!
So...what if I order him a copy on Amazon? If I do it it now, it will arrive on time for his birthday. And if I order it anonymously, as a gift, he'll never know it was me! Right?
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