Andy Murray, on top of his recent tennis-related triumphs is reportedly considering serving yet another never-before-seen surprise: that of proposing to his girlfriend of 7 years.
Prince William finally tied the knot to her Princess last year ending 8 years of speculation during which the delightful Miss Middleton was dubbed Waity-Katie; chastised for her apparent desire to keep her life on hold for the diamond ring she hoped/ knew was in the horizon.
Justin Timberlake, the man who had no intention of marrying, happily changed his mind and recently got engaged to Jessica Biel.
What is noteworthy (for a delusional fool such as myself, anyway) is that every single one of these couples broke up at one point until the man got his shit together and realized exactly what he was missing. So... there's hope for me yet.
But lo and behold, even Liz Jones seems to have received and offer. Though we still don't know if she said yes as The Rock Star has yet to produce a ring (Cartier one, no less) that she feel if worthy of a response.
What is noteworthy (for a delusional fool such as myself, anyway) is that every single one of these couples broke up at one point until the man got his shit together and realized exactly what he was missing. So... there's hope for me yet.
But lo and behold, even Liz Jones seems to have received and offer. Though we still don't know if she said yes as The Rock Star has yet to produce a ring (Cartier one, no less) that she feel if worthy of a response.
And a little while ago friend of mine got married to her boyfriend. A former colleague´s 9-year-wait came to an end when her boyfriend finally popped the question. Even one of my football fan friends is getting married- and those guys, blessed with the social skills of a comatose donkey, never even find a girl to talk to! This means... I'm officially the only one I know who's in a relationship and has not been proposed to.
I know it's technically not the end of the world. But it sure feels like it.
I mean, it's been almost 7 years! One of the many challenges Judaism poses to me is the perseverance. While they survived their 40 long years of wandering around the desert (an activity I don't even have the appropriate footwear for!) all I can wonder is: how many more years of this I'm expected to put up with?
The only way I can see myself being patient is strapped to a hospital bed with a steady flow of opiats keeping me that way.
I know me and The Man are not in a place where we could actually plan ahead and start preparing for a move that would enable us to start our life together but he could at least propose, right? I would imagine it's one of the questions girls like being asked. Unlike "are you sure you should finish that cake?"
At least then I'd know that he, too, is serious about the future and wants us to have one. Together!
And in any case, having something sparkly to stare would make the wait a lot easier. And a lot more fun..
Next month marks my 10th anniversary with the Mr. No ring here either, as of yet.