Thursday, April 26, 2012


In the name of hanging on to the last shreds of my sanity the following things are now out of bounds:

Spain, Pizza Hut, Stockholm, Hilton (the hotel chain, not Paris. I doubt she's out of bounds to anybody,mind you...), Lamb lies down on Broadway by Genesis, police officers, nurses, anything else made of latex, Rome, The Who, crosswords, TV series featuring Martin Shaw or John Thaw (a.k.a.anything featuring a socially challenged boozy workaholic trying to solve murders while running away from anything that has potential to develop into a meaningful relationship), churros, Panama hats,Tiffany & Co, Yorkshire, king prawns, G&T, Jerusalem the hymn, Mulberry bags, mince pies, Peter Kay, Danish detective series, Veuve Clicquot, Cadbury's Fruit and Nut, Sideways, Chelsea boots, Paul Smith, the catch phrase "there's been a murder" in the most horrific mock-Glaswegian accent, Scandinavian design, beef dripping, Pink Floyd (shit,that's going to be a tough one...), the colour pink, Branston's pickle, Grand Hotel, hardware stores. 

On the other hand, just think of all the time I'll save not having to shave, seeing how NO-ONE will EVER see me naked AGAIN, and how I can eat as much mussels as I want, not having to worry about anyone accidentally dying after kissing me. Yeah, that sounds like a fair deal..

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