Sunday, January 13, 2013

Post-holiday blues

The rational voice at the back of my head tells me how I'm feeling right now is all down to the notorious post-holiday blues. The other voices try to muffle it as I keep staring out of the window wondering what the hell I'm doing in -20 when I could be in +20.

I try to console myself with juice squeezed out of Spanish oranges that I lugged back home, but with no vodka it fails to lift my spirits.

Apparently I could go to another EU country, register as a jobseeker there and collect the benefits for 3 months. Not that there are any jobs to seek in Southern Spain - especially for a overqualified, underexperienced non-Spanish speaker.

But Dios mios, how I just want to live in Spain- explore the markets, sample the restaurants, cook and blog about it. I would do it. I could do it! I should do it! But unless I find a way to make some money out of it, that's not going to happen. 

I was thinking about finding a mundane secretarial job to keep me going. At least then I could stay in the sun and keep the cooking and blogging going. But... is it really a leap I'm ready to take at this point of my life? Sure, I'm tired of this race, but after trying to forge a career in the NGO field for so long, am I really ready to  give up and drop out now? Because if I do it, there's no going back and I'm out of the competition for good as new candidates and trainees and graduates enter the rat race armed with experience and degrees and internships and proficiency in exotic languages and Excel.

And anyway, the only careers to be had in the sunny Spain are telesales and prostitution. My aversion to telephones rules out telesales but the recent engagement and my insistence on monogamy sort of do get in the way of having sex with strangers.

Simply out of interest I have studied the ads in the local papers though. Turned out I'm not really qualified for a career in prostitution either. Each ad lists the girl's areas of...ahem... expertise. "Double-jointed. No gag reflex. Will do couples. Turkish, Greek, French, Black kisses".

I'd like to think I'm fairly open-minded but my catalogue of party tricks does not look like UN summit. What are those anyway? They can't all be euphemisms for anal, can they? And if they're not... and even if I intend to keep just one man happy...How much is there out there for me to learn?

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